Throughout my career, I've had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects. The following portfolio pieces are representative samples of my work.
Editing Services
"Building an Equitable, Diverse, & Unionized Clean Energy Economy: What We Can Learn from Apprenticeship Readiness"
I completed a line edit of this industry report.
Language Editing Services
"Close or distant? The impacts of robot services and spatial distance on service satisfaction"
I completed a full language edit of this manuscript.
Editing Services
Massachusetts Climate Action Network's 2021 Municipal Light Plant Scorecard
I completed two rounds of line editing (an initial draft and after review by an expert panel) and provided sentence-level feedback on this full-length report.
Language Editing Services
"Principal–Agent Relationship Within a Cruise Supply Chain Model for China"
I completed a full language edit of the revised manuscript.
Language Editing Services
"How do technology strategies affect the catch-up progress of high-tech latecomers? Evidence from two Chinese research-institute-transformed telecommunications firms"
I completed a full language edit on the initial draft of this manuscript and then edited newly added material based on reviewers' comments.
Developmental Editing & Language Editing Services
"Effects of misleading media coverage on public health crisis: a case of the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak in China"
I provided a developmental and language edit to refine the authors' argument and ensure the article's suitability for a wide audience.
Language Editing Services
"'Please help me die': applying self-determination theory to understand suicide travel"
I collaborated with the authors throughout several rounds of revision. Work included an initial language edit, subsequent reorganization and edits to new content, and reference formatting in APA style.

Language Editing Services
Post-industrial civilisational transition: Origins, peculiarities, and prospects
I completed a language edit, ensured adherence to the organization's style guide, and formatted the references according to APA style.
Language Editing Services
"Relationships between Chinese cultural values and tourist motivations: A study of Chinese tourists visiting Israel"
I helped revise several drafts of this manuscript. In addition to structural work to improve clarity and flow, I completed a language edit prior to submission.
Writing & Editing Services
Global research magazine
I wrote the cover story and several other pieces for this magazine; each article I contributed required phone interviews and research. Before the magazine went to print, I edited the entire issue for clarity, grammar, syntax, and adherence to AP style.
Writing Services
"Unmasking human trafficking"
I wrote this article as the cover story for a healthcare magazine. This in-depth piece required preliminary research, several phone interviews, and source verification. Before the magazine went to print, I edited the entire issue for clarity, grammar, syntax, and adherence to AP style.
Language Editing Services
"Resource management for future mobile networks: Architecture and technologies"
I completed a language edit, clarified terminology as necessary, and reorganized several sections to enhance logic and flow.
Language Editing Services
"Does spatial layout matter to theme park tourism carrying capacity?"
Prior to submission, I condensed the paper, completed a language edit, and conducted a reference check.
Language Editing Services
"Exploring a theme park's tourism carrying capacity: A demand-side analysis"
I completed a language edit and an additional proofread prior to resubmission.
Developmental Editing & Language Editing Services
Creating Global Music in Turkey
This book-length research project in sociology and ethnomusicology began as a 65,000-word draft and was reduced to roughly 150 printed pages. I completed a developmental edit and language edit, focusing on structure and organization, proper terminology, consistent voice, and grammar and syntax.