English Language Editing

My English language editing service involves a 3-part revision process. A complete language polish ensures your research and accomplishments will stand out to readers. Language editing is also intended to help you finalize your work for publication or for initial submission to a journal.

Line editing and copyediting in any discipline

English language editing is substantive. I’ll complete a comprehensive, 3-part revision of your document to make your writing clear and powerful.

No matter the subject area, high-quality writing will boost your confidence and scholarly authority. In academia, pristine communication increases your chances of manuscript acceptance, generous funding, and a thriving research career. English language editing will transform your writing into crisp, natural-sounding prose suitable for any professional setting.

For examples of my language editing work, click here.

Get results

When working with me, clients enjoy more successful careers. They feel confident submitting manuscripts to premier industry journals. Many have been awarded prestigious grants to conduct fulfilling, innovative research. Others have been invited to serve as visiting scholars at top universities. In several cases, clients' academic achievements have helped them earn tenure.

What’s included

Line editing and copyediting

  • Thorough revisions to content, structure, organization, syntax, word choice, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. (A top-to-bottom 'deep cleaning' of your work to make sure your message comes across crystal clear.)
  • Improved readability through clarity, conciseness, and cohesion.
  • Supplementary written comments that highlight areas for clarification, suggestions for expansion, and what you’ve done especially well.
  • Email and voice support during business hours (Monday–Friday).

Automated dictation

  • Full playback of your document followed by a final written edit to ensure flow.
    • The document is read aloud via a digital program as I listen and make final corrections so your work reads smoothly and naturally.

2 versions of your document

  • A revised copy that showcases changes and comments so you can see what’s been modified.
  • A clean copy that’s ready to print.


Language editing is priced according to word count and turnaround time; rush fees will be assessed if applicable. Contract-based work may be billed hourly.

I am open to ongoing/contract arrangements with academic organizations, presses, and scholarly journals.

Please contact me to discuss project scope and rates. Due to high demand for this service, I encourage clients to schedule projects in advance when possible.

"Her understanding of academic writing in general, and our subject matter in particular, is truly helpful in polishing our manuscripts."

Taryn represents every virtue we expect from a professional editor—she is exceptionally efficient, meticulous, and responsive, and works around the clock! Her understanding of academic writing in general, and our subject matter in particular, is truly helpful in polishing our manuscripts.

Robert L., Professor, Temple University (Pennsylvania, USA)

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